It’s always fun to figure out where you want to vacation, what activities to do, and what restaurants to try in a new destination. And we’re all about deciding what sounds the most fun based on our enneagrampersonality type, from movies to dream jobs to Taylor Swift lyrics. Why should vacation destinations be any different? Keep scrolling for travel ideas that are so good, you’ll want to visit them regardless of your enneagram type.
Enneagram 1: A Road Trip
A road trip complete with a full itinerary is a great way to let your detail-oriented self shine. It might sound crazy to others, but sometimes there’s nothing better than planning out every single thing you’re going to do, eat, and see for the duration of your trip. Let’s get planning with the most scenic road trips in the U.S.!
Enneagram 2: A Spa
Image via Alan Caishan/Unsplash
When you’re constantly taking care of everyone else, a true vacation means choosing a place where you can relax and take care of yourself. What better place to do that than the spa? We’re talking hot tubs, massages, and steam rooms galore. Here are 12 spas that meet all your weekend getaway dreams. Let us know if you need a plus one. Just saying…
Enneagram 3: A Big City
We love big cities for the vibes and just for the fact that there is something to do every minute of the day. If you do too, then what better way to spend a vacation than traipsing around somewhere like New York City. There are so many sites to see, shops to browse, and parks to explore that you’ll be busy from breakfast through dinner and beyond. Don’t forget to pack comfortable sneakers and sandals!
Enneagram 4: A Favorite Childhood Location
Image via Vika Strawberrika/Unsplash
Fours love nostalgia, and what better place to experience the good old times than somewhere you loved as a child, especially if that place played a role in forming your creativity or your personality. Whether you visited a local theme park every year, or you want to see your favorite childhood park, this is a great way to reconnect with your roots and even show your kids, friends, or S.O. a favorite spot from your past.
Enneagram 5: A Historical Location
If you’re a curious and observant person, as enneagram fives are, you’ll enjoy traveling somewhere that has tons of information for you to absorb. Historical locations, libraries, and museums all offer the chance to dig into the past and learn something new.
Enneagram 6: The Beach
Find a coastline where you can kick back and relax with your favorite beach read and leave all the stress of daily life back home. Bring some of your besties with you or choose to travel with your books, notebooks, or art supplies instead. This vacation is all about *you*.
Enneagram 7: Somewhere With Fun Night Life
Sevens are all about being the life of the party and what better place to do that than somewhere like Nashville. Explore the city during the day, eat tons of amazing food (like this pink donut), and then get ready to have the time of your life after the sun goes down with live music, nightlife, and cocktails!
Enneagram 8: A Multi-Day Hike
Taking part in something active and intense is a great way to spend time together. There are lots of hikes all over the country that you can do for one day or multiple days, depending on what you’re feeling. Not much of an outdoors gal? Try an escape room instead ;).
Enneagram 9: A Picturesque Small Town
Somewhere comforting, idyllic, and nostalgic is a great place for nines to take a deep breath and stroll. Leave plans open with spontaneous stops and figure out what you want to do when you want to do it. Plus, you’re bound to find amazing local food and meet friendly locals. Enjoy!
Where is your dream vacation destination? Let us know on Twitter and subscribe to our email newsletter for more travel inspiration. You can also check out our Beach Days vacation playlist on Spotify!
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